News & Event
On Friday, June 25, 2021, Oknha Song Saran has delivered a remark in the Signing Ceremony to support the development of Sustainable Rice Platform National Chapter in Cambodia, that the ceremony chaired by H.E. Dr. Ngin Chhay, Director General of GDA. 

This signing ceremony is the agreement through the discussion and preparation from the related stakeholders such as GDA, CRF secretariat, Swiss Contact, WCS, CIRAD, and other development organizations/institutions.
 On June 11, 2021, Oknha Song Saran, President of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), and Mr. Lun Yeng, Secretary General of the CRF, have participated in the online conference on "Implementation of the Economic Diplomacy Strategy 2021-2023organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cambodia.  The development of economic diplomacy strategies is important in improving the effectiveness of diplomatic work. The objectives of this strategy include: promoting international trade, attracting foreign direct investment, and promoting Cambodia's tourism and culture.
In the 5 month of 2021, Cambodia has achieved its rice export to 47 countries destination in the volume of 233,031 Metric Tons (MT), and generating in value of USD 166.81 Million. More than 52% of overall export or equal to more than 120,000 MT of milled-rice has exported to China market, including Hong Kong, Macau, in which bring about almost USD 77.52 Million as the value.
On 20th May 2021, Oknha Song Saran, president of Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), has given the opening remark in the online event of Commercialization of Food Fortification Roundtable, with highly presence of H.E Sok Silo, Secretary General of Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), MS. RANA KARADSHEH, Regional Industry Director Asia Pacific International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Mr. ASAD YAQUB, Resident Representative of IFC Cambodia, and participated by more than 60 guests, in which include 20 guests from CRF’s member who are rice exporters, rice millers, and the rest are from local and international experts.
On 19 May 2021, Ms. Kim Sreyroth, vice president of Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), and head of Access to Market and Trade Promotion Executive Committee of CRF, and Mr. Lun Yeng, Secretary General of CRF, have welcomed the discussion meeting via online with Khmer Enterprise (KE), represented by Mr. Kong Sophyvathanak, Market and Investment Manager of KE, in which the discussion is regarding how to boost market of Cambodian rice export focusing on branding and marketing at the international stage to raise awareness of Cambodian rice brand with quality.
On May 04, 2021, at Thmor Korl District Hall, Oknha Phou Veasna, Vice president of Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) have brought and presented the donated 5 tons of rice equal to 5,000. Kilograms, that is the donated from participation of CRF’s members, to the Thmor Korl District administration, Battambong Province, to distribute to the poor affected by COVID-19.
On May 04, 2021, at Kampong Thom Provincial Hall, representatives of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), including staff from Kampong Thom 1668 Mills and Amru Rice Company at Kampong Thom Province, have presented the donated 5 tons of rice equal to 5,000. Kilograms, that is the donated from participation of CRF’s members to the Kampong Thom Provincial Administration to distribute to the poor affected by COVID-19.
 On May 1, 2021, at Kampong Cham Provincial Hall, Oknha Song Saran, President of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), has brought the donation of 5 tons of rice from the participation of CRF’s members to the Kampong Cham Provincial Administration, hightly presented by H.E. Un Chanda, Governor of Kampong Cham Province, and H.E. Khlot Phorn, Chairman of Kampong Cham Provincial Board of Directors.
 On the morning of April 24, 2021, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, there is a symbolic handover ceremony for 100 tons of rice, highly presented by H.E. Vong Sandab, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, High Representative of HE Dr. Aun Pornmoniroth, Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy and Finance, and the chair of the Executive Committee to Manage and Lead the Implementation of the Lockdown, with representatives of the Cambodia Rice Federation, including Oknha Hun Lak, Chairman of the Board of the Cambodia Rice Federation, and Oknha Song Saran, President of the Cambodia Rice Federation, and the representative from Phnom Penh Municipality, H.E Keut Chhe, Deputy Governor of Phnom Penh, and the participation of Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, civil servants of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
 In the afternoon of Tuesday, April 13, 2020, at the Ministry of Health, Oknha Song Saran, President of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), has joined with other 13 private companies and donators, also represented the donations from CRF, including four laptops and five printers, were donated to the Adhoc Committee for COVID-19 vaccination, chaired by Lok Chumteav Or Vandine.

Export Statistics
by Metric Tons
Monthly 2021 2022 2023 2024
1. january 34.273 53.036 36.900 46.221
2. February 41.949 50.022 60.567 43.932
3. March 77.466 67.481 79.114 ---
4. April 38.807 50.599 38.740 ---
5. May 40.536 62.537 62.863 ---
6. June 47.419 43.525 51.449 ---
7. July 29.415 23.702 33.075 ---
8. August 33.582 38.098 38.991 ---
9. September 67.251 60.361 54.882 ---
10. October 49.471 59.888 73.343 ---
11. November 72.010 49.849 65.706 ---
12. December 84.890 77.906 60.693 ---
Yearly Export 617.069 637.004 656.323 90.153
MOT- Sources: Secretariat One Window Service
(SOWS-REF) for rice export.